
Disclaimer: Favorite Fuel

1. General Information and Services Disclaimer:

The data on this website is provided for general informational purposes only. The information cannot be considered general (medical) advice and is intended solely for informational purposes. No actions should be taken without prior expert advice. While we strive to compile information with the greatest possible care, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of any use of incorrect data. All information on this website, including texts and images, is without express reservation and may be changed by us at any time without further notice.

The information provided on this website is not a substitute for consultation or treatment with a doctor/therapist. It is purely intended as background information. This website may contain references to third parties, and links to third-party websites are not continuously checked, created, and/or maintained by us. Therefore, we do not accept any liability for the content of linked websites. The information on this website may not be copied or distributed without prior written consent.

2. Product Information Disclaimer:

This website has been compiled with the utmost care. All information on this website is subject to obvious printing, typesetting, price, and programming errors. All images on this website are protected by copyright and may not be used by third parties.

The information on this website is intended as a source of information about the products supplied by Favorite Fuel and provides background information. It is not medical or therapeutic advice. This website is not a substitute for a qualified doctor or therapist. For physical complaints, it is strongly advised to contact a qualified physician or therapist.

We are not responsible for any decisions you make regarding your illness or health. None of the therapists is authorized to discourage any other person from any part of mainstream therapy based on any part of information on this site. The information on this site may contain errors despite all due care. All information on this website is subject to this disclaimer.